Starting September 2023
Phase 03: The Common-Inbetween
Phase 03: The Common-Inbetween
The Common Between: Caporciano - is a continuation of the project Retelling the Rural: Caporciano from 2021 and 2022. The small village in Abruzzo has not only been affected by migration to the cities since the mid-twentieth century, like many other villages in Europe, but was also hit by a major earthquake in 2009. The houses of Caporciano are being restored to their old structures through a reconstruction project financed with extensive European funds - only the inhabitants of the reclaimed space are still missing. The projects of the students, including the interventions on site, have generated a discussion among the residents about the goal and possibilities of the renewal of Caporciano. We want to continue to accompany the collective process and try to answer the open questions about a future of Caporciano with hollistic approaches. The place is a real model of a "wicked problem" on which we want to work with architectural and artistic means. Important elements are feasibility, precision and effect.
In the winter semester of 2023-2024 we dealt with questions of place in different dimensions via three short design briefs.
Starting with an urban design for the extensions of the village in the transition to the landscape space, the development of the former post office into a co-working space, we want to deal intensively with the private, semi-public and public spaces of Caporciano in the last third of the semester. The gardens of Caporciano, water, sun and wind and their communal use will play an important role.
The project will involve different collaborations. While we share the building design with a Master Studio at the Royal Academy of the Arts Copenhagen, we will pursue the design of the outdoor spaces in close collaboration with Atelier Le Balto but also residents of Caporciano. The aim of the whole project is a renewed common journey to Abruzzo and the active beginning of the transformation of the intermediate spaces of Caporciano.